Hot? Feel like having a glass of water? Check key facts and recommendations on the burning question of tap water during your trip to Poland.

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Priceless experience?

4 euro or US dollars for a small bottle of still water?! Unfortunately, it may be true in some cases in bars and restaurants in Polish cities… In many countries fresh drinking tap water is served for free, but in Poland it is still rare and it is better not to expect that. But more and more often you may get it if only you ask! That would be our first tip, because it is

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Safe! but first ask

Poles fall into the old stereotype that tap water is not safe for drinking but many official sources claim the opposite. Cities launch social campaigns to convince people that it is a safe choice but people’s mentality changes slowly. General tip for you in this regard: before drinking or refilling your bottle, always better ask if the tap water in the given city, hotel or the place you’re staying at is checked and recommended to drink, filtered ect. And once it’s confirmed…

Let’s save the planet!

Poles are living more and more eco friendly, as the last few years marked a significant rise in awareness that natural resources are limited and climate change threatens us all. And if you’re living an eco-friendly lifestyle yourself, why not continue when travelling! We will not guarantee that it will be possible everywhere but it’s at least worth asking, checking and making other people think of their everyday choices!

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Glass over plastic

If no other option, please remember that you may quite easily buy a Polish bottled water in glass – less frequently available than plastic bottles that are everywhere… but much also with a better design 🙂

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