‘Forest Bathing’ in some cultures like Japan makes a part of the real celebration but may as well be treated as simply being more conscious about the great benefits of the time spent in nature and walks in the woods. A brief introduction to appreciate what’s behind the corner!
Because it’s 2020
One could argue why we need a whole new theory on simply walking in the woods? Well, often repeated facts make it clear: time we spend indoors and by the computers grows constantly, we’re bombarded with information – in fact, an average person receives as much new information every day as a man living in the Middle Ages throughout his life. By 2050, 66% of the world’s population is projected to live in cities. Living in a world so detached from nature has many negative consequences including health wise. Some global challenges require global and advanced solutions, like climate change for instance. But for everyday well being we may also do something small and benefit from what’s within our reach.
Do’s and don'ts
So what do you not need? Leave behind all the regular attention distractions like electronic devices. You don’t need no particular weather conditions – remember there is no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing:) Make sure you’re neither hungry nor ate too much. And what do you need? A place you like – as the environment needs to fancy you, will it be a park, a forest or wild river bank. Also necessary: spare time – better 2 hours than 20 minutes that may be not sufficient to relax. Comfortable clothes and shoes to make it easy to focus on the surroundings. And a willingness to try sort of a mindfulness experience that requires some patience and practice. Like all the good stuff in our lives.
It’s about body and mind
And for those of you who would still stay hesitant, there’s a science behind that. In the forest a variety of sounds, colors, lights and scents influence all of our senses and simply have a healing effect on them. Essential oils produced by different trees and plants or so called “natural antibiotics” – substances against viruses and bacteria that exist around trees have multiple health benefits. There’s no magic, it’s simple chemistry. Especially the coniferous forest is particularly known for its calming effects on humans. As a result, we get less tension and stress, lighter head and breath – just to name the first visible consequences. Apart from that for sure more appetite to explore nature sites!
More on the forest bathing in a Time story and a great book FOREST BATHING: How Trees Can Help You Find Health and Happiness by Dr. Qing Lihere
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